Cuidados no final da vida


Recomendações sobre como cuidar e acompanhar as pessoas em situação de últimos dias, seus familiares e / ou cuidadores. SECPAL


Palliative care in the time of COVID-19. Sebastiano Mercadante,  Claudio Adile, Patrizia Ferrera, Fausto Giuliana, Lidia Terruso, Tania Piccione. En Journal of pain and symptom management. 

Coronavirus has given doctors a new job: Palliative care. Laura Kolbe.

Death and dying during the pandemic. Editorial. Sarah Yardley, Martin Rolph. En BMJ 

Palliative care and the COVID-19 pandemic. Editorial. The Lancet 

The role and response of palliative care and hospice services in epidemics and pandemics: a rapid review to inform practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. Simon N. Etkind, Anna E. Bone, et al. En Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 

The Importance of Addressing Advance Care Planning and Decisions About Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders During Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). J. Randall Curtis, Erin K. Kross, Renee D. Stapleton. En JAMA

COVID-Ready Communication Skills, A playbook of VitalTalk Tips

Palliating a Pandemic: ‘‘All Patients Must Be Cared For’’. James Downar, Dori Seccareccia on behalf of the Associated Medical Services Inc. Educational Fellows in Care at the End of Life. En Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.

The Potential Role for Palliative Care in Mass Casualty Events. Anne Wilkinson. En Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine.

Palliative care in humanitarian crises: a review of the literature. Elysée Nouve, et al. En Journal of International Humanitarian Action.

A Central Role for Palliative Care in an Influenza Pandemic. Philip Rosoff. JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE


Acompanhar, como profissionais de saúde, os enfermos nesta pandemia. Vídeo 1-Sara Pons

Como lidar com a internação do seu familiar , o luto e a solidão na pandemia. Vídeo2-Sara Pons

Recomendações da Sociedade Espanhola de Cuidados Paliativos

O impacto do sofrimento nos profissionais de saúde.

“Profissionais de saúde, precisamos de vocês íntegros e lúcidos"